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Knowing When to Let Someone Go

Knowing when to end a relationship and acknowledging that the pain will pass can often prevent greater pain in the long run. Just as a good relationship can have a positive impact on your life, stressful, draining, or imbalanced relationships can have negative effects on your health and well-being. It’s common to maintain a relationship because we feel the other person needs us or we believe that they will eventually change. We may also be afraid of hurting the other person or feel insecure in our ability to find new relationships. But knowing when to end a relationship and acknowledging that the pain will pass can often prevent greater pain and feelings of loss in the long run.

If you’re in a relationship that isn’t satisfying or one that has become unhealthy for you, rather than spending energy attempting to fix the problem or complaining, ask yourself what you really want from the relationship. Consider whether the other person truly considers your feelings or if they are willing to change their behavior. Ask yourself if you’ve often thought about ending the relationship or if you feel your bonds have atrophied. While every relationship has ups and downs, when there are more downs than ups or the two of you are bringing out the worst in each other, it may be time to sever the connection. Be honest with yourself and your answers, even if the truth is painful.

Relationships thrive on honesty, communication, mutual caring, and time spent together. When one or more of these elements are missing, it may be that the relationship, no matter how passionate, simply isn’t worth it. It’s far better to end a relationship that doesn’t feel right than to hold on to it and languish in feelings of anger or resentment. Moving on without struggle, on the other hand, can be the door that leads you to a more nurturing relationship in the future.

In this book, J.M. Tardy shows you how men are like foods to which you can become addicted if you don't control yourself.
It helps you to recognize how your own decision-making can be the first step to a healthier relationship, and it demonstrates how to recognize the true character of a man by investigating what he is made of.

Relating true stories from other women and from her personal experience,
Tardy explains that people have "ingredients" like food, and women need to choose men based on the quality of those ingredients. Through His Ingredient Label, Tardy encourages women to seek and maintain healthy relationships.

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