A Mothers Struggle: Domestic Violence to Domestic Bliss "Child abuse, Domestic violence both situations that can be left un-recognised. Fortunately it has now got the support groups that it has long needed. These problems can even be happening within our own families or our friends. We know only too well how it is easier to keep quiet and not make a fuss but until we do, this misery wont stop." It is important to pay attention to signs of emotional abuse, because physical abuse often start there: h umiliation, degradation, discounting, negating, judging, criticizing, d omination, control, shame, a ccusing and blaming, trivial and unreasonable demands or expectations, denies own shortcomings, e motional distancing and the “silent treatment,” isolation, emotional abandonment, neglect... Visitez nos commanditaires. Profitez de leurs offres stimulantes et compétitives. Faites-nous connaître vos marchands préférés. Une information, une faute d'orthographe, une erreu...
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