"Sometimes, it is good to resist the urge to overanalyze decisions and take leaps of faith. When in doubt, follow your heart. Everyone experiences pain. Illness, aging, and emotional distress touch all of our lives. Each of us has a soul, or Higher self, that has come into human form to have life experiences. These experiences are designed to provide us opportunities to learn the lessons we need for our spiritual growth. It's from pain that we grow. Rather than being afraid or overwhelmed by life's challenges, we can learn how to connect with our Higher self, using our intuitive mind. Making the leap of faith to use our sixth sense to bypass our rational mind and receive inner guidance promotes improved health, greater happiness, and peace of mind. Using case histories accumulated over forty years of practicing family medicine, Dr. Millman discusses many different illnesses and emotional issues and the specific lessons each one presents" Ecrivez à zmajolie@gmail.co...
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