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"Our intuition holds the key to making many of our life decisions. Perhaps there are times when we are too scared to make a concrete choice; this ultimately means that life chooses for us and not always in the way we want. Listening to our inner wisdom, however, connects us to the part of ourselves that is pure and untainted by external desires and expectations. This font of wisdom often points us in the right direction, but only if we give it a chance to tell us what it needs. By drawing upon your intuition today, you will gain greater trust in yourself and make decisions that are truly aligned with your deeper needs."
Intuition is the language of the soul, and were all born with the natural ability of an inner-knowing. As we go through life, we have a inborn tendency to pull away from what was once totally natural to us. In 101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition, psychic medium John Holland guides you through 101 quick and easy lessons to help you understand, develop, and work with your internal sense of intuition. This small yet valuable book will become your companion as you rely more on intuition for direct.

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Fit For Faith

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