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La Tanisha C. Wright does what no other tobacco marketing executive has done before: She covertly helps public health leaders and Attorneys General end a predatory marketing campaign and sue the Big Tobacco Company that she works for. During her efforts to protect the public, a vicious attack brings her life to a standstill. She plummets into depression, and is haunted by the spirit of suicide. She resigns from the tobacco industry and continues to combat the tobacco epidemic. As she matures into a renowned public speaker, she suffers unbearable heartaches. In an effort to overcome, she uses her experiences with Big Tobacco as a platform to start her own business. In a strange twist, federal public health officials conspire to impede her mission to protect the public from tobacco industry marketing practices. Ms. Wright chronicles a lifetime of abuse and corporate bullying, and the subsequent journey of grieving, forgiving, and healing. Challenges wouldn't be challenging without...
Articles récents


L'huile de vapeur CBD Medix «Mood» est la toute dernière innovation du secteur! Comparativement aux huiles de cannabidiol et aux bonbons gélifiés, l'huile de vapeur de CBD a un taux d'absorption plus rapide car le CBD atteint la circulation sanguine par les poumons au lieu de devoir passer par le système digestif. Pour cette raison, il est courant que les vapoteurs ressentent instantanément les effets thérapeutiques du CBD. Ce taux d'absorption rapide est idéal pour les personnes souffrant d'anxiété, de stress et de douleurs récurrentes. Le CBD ou cannabidiol est classé comme phytocannabinoïde. Ceci est un cannabinoïde, ce qui signifie un composé, qui se produit naturellement dans les plantes. Il est considéré comme un dérivé non psychoactif du cannabis, ce qui signifie que l’utilisation de cette drogue ne fera pas augmenter le nombre de consommateurs. En d'autres termes, le cannabidiol est très différent du THC ou du tétrahydrocannabinol, le composé princ...


"Hope for our world begins with ourselves--we can't control the world around us, but we can control our minds. Even though things may seem hopeless, if we can tune out the negative and set our minds on the positive, we will begin to have greater control over our reactions to world events. This is an important first step toward taking action to make our world a better place. When we channel more love into our hearts and extend that love to others, we will alter the vibratory energy of our world subtly and pave the way to create more peace and optimism around us. " DailyOM Ecrivez à .

Adieu Peau de Poulet!

Pour les personnes plus sujettes aux poussées de rosacée ou d'eczéma, il est important d'utiliser des produits non seulement hydratants et cicatrisants, mais contenant également des ingrédients qui risquent moins de déclencher une réaction négative ou une poussée. La camomille peut réduire les symptômes de l'eczéma et de la rosacée, favoriser la guérison et hydrater la peau. C'est aussi bon pour les peaux sensibles. KP Duty Body Peel & Moisturizing Therapy Duo Parce qu'un teint sain ne se limite pas à votre visage. KP Duty peut aider votre peau à paraître et à se sentir belle au corps. Contient: Thérapie hydratante et peeling quotidien pour le corps, 30 retexture traitement de 6 ml et 30 désaltère traitement de 6 ml. Vous économisez 15% sur ce schéma chaque jour. Calm Cool & Corrected Tranquility Cream Sentez-vous calme, cool et recueilli avec un teint tranquille. Cette crème hydratante riche apaise, régénère en douceur, contribue à améliorer l...


Life can become more magical and meaningful when we choose to experience it with childlike wonder. While it is often necessary for us to be serious and mature as we tend to our responsibilities, we can also choose to make time to exercise the more childlike side of our being. Our childlike innocence enables us to see our world with fresh eyes. Each moment becomes magical and meaningful because we are truly present to what is happening rather than just going through the motions of being alive. By allowing the childlike side of us to experience, we will find magic and meaning in everything we do. Ecrivez à .

Happy Sunday!

"When your confidence is placed in yourself and in the universe, you harness all the powers available to you in creating your best life. By keeping in close communication with your center, where you are connected to universal energy, you receive guidance from the highest source. When this information is used in conjunction with your heart and mind, and your unique talents and abilities, you bring forth the wisdom of the universe through you, as you. The universe whispers to you, inspiring you to follow your dreams, which serve a greater purpose in the tapestry of life. By using your inner guidance today to follow your dreams, you align yourself perfectly in the flow of the universe's energy, which is true confidence." Ecrivez à .

Happy Saturday!

"Our efforts are powered by positivity when we take an optimistic approach to the goal-realization process. Whatever the nature of our plans, we are more apt to concentrate on the practical aspects of the path before us when we believe that success is waiting for us. Our enthusiasm is fueled by our belief that we are destined for and deserving of the triumphs in our future. Since we need not worry about hypothetical mishaps that may or may not come to pass, we have far more time to devote to achieving our objectives. We are thus more apt to recognize auspicious prospects when they present themselves and bravely forge ahead when confronted with challenging circumstances. When you divest yourself of negative concerns regarding your progress, your path will seem wide-open and rich in rewards."